Problem using saslauthd against ldap server ...
Robert Werner
2018-06-04 22:42:05 UTC
I'm trying to use saslauthd to test "auth plain" and "auth login" authentication against our LDAP data store using the "MECH=ldap" configuration.

When saslauthd tries to bind with the credentials, it is only sending 7 characters of the password. I've validated this by using Wireshark to examine the sasl communications. The ldap search for the user is successful and saslauthd is finding the correct user and binding as desired. But the auth fails, obviously, because the only 7 characters of the actual (9 character) password is sent.

If I use the "MECH=pam" and authenticate against a valid user (also with a password that is 9 charcaters) on the local server, the authentication is successful.

I'm running this on RHEL 7.5 with cyrus-sasl* packages that are version "2.1.26-23.el7.x86_64", ie:


I've attached my smtp.conf, saslauthd and saslauthd.conf files (with passwords redacted).

Is there a configuration I'm missing or have I found a bug? Any suggestions as to how to get around this problem?


Robert G. Werner

Systems Administrator

University of California Merced, Office of Information Technology

***@ucmerced.edu<mailto:***@ucmerced.edu> | it.ucmerced.edu<https://it.ucmerced.edu/> | 209.201.4368
Robert Werner
2018-06-06 14:36:49 UTC
Thanks for the explanation, Quanah. Much appreciated!


Robert G. Werner

Systems Admnistrator

University of California Merced, Office of Information Techonology

***@ucmerced.edu<mailto:***@ucmerced.edu> | it.ucmerced.edu<https://it.ucmerced.edu/> | 209.201.43<tel:209.201.4386>68

-------- Original message --------
From: Quanah Gibson-Mount <***@symas.com>
Date: 6/5/18 5:34 PM (GMT-08:00)
To: Robert Werner <***@ucmerced.edu>, Dan White <***@olp.net>
Cc: cyrus-***@lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Subject: Re: Problem using saslauthd against ldap server ...

--On Tuesday, June 05, 2018 11:45 PM +0000 Robert Werner
<***@ucmerced.edu> wrote:

> We are using the "userPassword" attribute, and the password is
> encrypted. I"m not sure what the algo is. But the the thing is that
> with Auth Plain and Auth Login the password is being send in clear.

The userPassword attribute, by RFC, is base64 encoded (not encrypted). The
reason you see "userPassword:: <value>" from an ldapsearch result (vs
"userPassword: <value>") indicates that encoding is in place. You can
trivially decode the value. In addition, OpenLDAP by default stores a hash
of the password, not the password itself.

If you decode the value, you should get something like:


which indicates that the password hash is using SSHA.

The real issue, based on what you're describing, is that the password being
sent to the ldap server to validate against the hash has been truncated for
some reason.

You can confirm that basic authentication against your ldap server is
working via the "ldapwhoami" binary to rule out any issue on the LDAP
server side.



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Product Architect
Symas Corporation
Packaged, certified, and supported LDAP solutions powered by OpenLDAP:
Michael Ströder
2018-06-05 15:50:52 UTC
Disclaimer: I never seriously used saslauthd myself.

On 06/05/2018 12:42 AM, Robert Werner wrote:
> When saslauthd tries to bind with the credentials,  it is only sending 7
> characters of the password.

I'd try with a pure-ASCII password first.

Ciao, Michael.
Robert Werner
2018-06-18 19:57:30 UTC
I've done more testing but I'm still stuck. Anyone have any suggestion as to how I can debug the ldap/saslauthd interaction more?


Robert G. Werner

Systems Administrator

University of California Merced, Office of Information Technology

***@ucmerced.edu<mailto:***@ucmerced.edu> | it.ucmerced.edu<https://it.ucmerced.edu/> | 209.201.4368

From: Cyrus-sasl <cyrus-sasl-bounces+rwerner2=***@lists.andrew.cmu.edu> on behalf of Robert Werner <***@ucmerced.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 3:45 PM
To: Dan White
Cc: cyrus-***@lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Subject: Re: Problem using saslauthd against ldap server ...

I've attached the debug output from sasl using the new "ldap_debug: -7" attribute.

using the "%u" attribute makes no difference.

What I'm seeing in the tcpdump output is that the uid is being sent in full. In fact, the ldap search is finding the "dn" correctly.

We are using the "userPassword" attribute, and the password is encrypted. I"m not sure what the algo is. But the the thing is that with Auth Plain and Auth Login the password is being send in clear.

I don't see anything in the debug output that helps me know why this is happening.

I'm a bit reluctant to post the tcpdump because that has a lot more info than I'm really prepared to share in public.

Anything else I can share?


Robert G. Werner

Systems Administrator

University of California Merced, Office of Information Technology

***@ucmerced.edu<mailto:***@ucmerced.edu> | it.ucmerced.edu<https://it.ucmerced.edu/> | 209.201.4368

From: Dan White <***@olp.net>
Sent: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 2:23 PM
To: Robert Werner
Cc: cyrus-***@lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Subject: Re: Problem using saslauthd against ldap server ...

On 06/05/18 20:19 +0000, Robert Werner wrote:
>I tried running the saslauthd with the flags you suggested and got the
>following output:
>lpmail01 01:09 PM ~ root (1031) : /usr/sbin/saslauthd -d -n 1 -m /run/saslauthd -a ldap -O /etc/saslauthd.conf
>saslauthd[4718] :main : num_procs : 1
>saslauthd[4718] :main : mech_option: /etc/saslauthd.conf
>saslauthd[4718] :main : run_path : /run/saslauthd
>saslauthd[4718] :main : auth_mech : ldap
>saslauthd[4718] :ipc_init : using accept lock file: /run/saslauthd/mux.accept
>saslauthd[4718] :detach_tty : master pid is: 0
>saslauthd[4718] :ipc_init : listening on socket: /run/saslauthd/mux
>saslauthd[4718] :main : using process model
>saslauthd[4718] :get_accept_lock : acquired accept lock
>saslauthd[4718] :rel_accept_lock : released accept lock
>saslauthd[4718] :do_auth : auth failure: [user=rwerner2] [service=smtp] [realm=] [mech=ldap] [reason=Unknown]
>saslauthd[4718] :do_request : response: NO
>saslauthd[4718] :get_accept_lock : acquired accept lock
>The "debug: -1" flag didn't seem to affect the output .

I gave you the wrong option. It's 'ldap_debug: -1'.

>The problem doesn't seem to be username dependent. I've used several
>different ones. I'm mostly testing with my own which is "rwerner2" but
>I've also tested with "ucmit-mcp" .

Does using 'ldap_filter: uid=%u' make any difference?

To clarify, it is the user supplied password that is getting cut short, and
not the ldap_bind_pw password?

Are you using a password-hash/olcPasswordHash on the server side, e.g.

>I'm seeing the same output from saslauthd in /var/log/secure after
>directing the auth.debug facility there (in rsyslog).
>The only way I could tell that the saslauthd was sending out only 7 chars
>of the password was by looking at the tcpdump of the conversation with the
>ldap server.
>(as an FYI for anyone else messing with this on RHEL, I had to disable
>selinux because the restrictions wouldn't let postfix talk to a saslauthd
>launched from the command line as root; once this is resolved I'll
>re-enable selinux).
>From: Dan White <***@olp.net>
>Sent: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 8:42 AM
>To: Robert Werner
>Cc: cyrus-***@lists.andrew.cmu.edu
>Subject: Re: Problem using saslauthd against ldap server ...
>On 06/04/18 22:42 +0000, Robert Werner wrote:
>>When saslauthd tries to bind with the credentials, it is only sending 7
>>characters of the password. I've validated this by using Wireshark to
>>examine the sasl communications. The ldap search for the user is
>>successful and saslauthd is finding the correct user and binding as
>>desired. But the auth fails, obviously, because the only 7 characters of
>>the actual (9 character) password is sent.
>>ldap_bind_dn: <user>
>>ldap_bind_pw: <password>
>>ldap_servers: ldap://lplds.ucmerced.edu
>>ldap_search_base: dc=ucmerced,dc=edu
>>ldap_filter: uid=%U
>>ldap_version: 3
>>log_level: 7
>>log_level: 7
>>pwcheck_method: saslauthd
>>mech_list: plain login
>Is this problem reproducable with testsaslauthd and smtptest?
>Disable saslauthd caching (without -c) and run in debug (-d) mode for
>additional output. Set 'debug: -1' (man 3 ldap_set_option), in
>saslauthd.conf to increase libldap's output.
>Is this problem specific to a particular user name? If so, would you mind
>sharing what that username is?

Dan White